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Thanks dearrrrr !

Big thanks to Leyha for the nice pic of her :)

'kakak!!!!!!!!!! ^___^ hehe!!! ney perubahan muke leyha skrg... selepas seminggu pakai... ok x? mcm putih sikit... than x payah paki makeup tebal2...'

'x sia2 beli satu set... ex leyha nak habis dah...nt nak lg ea kak, ex gn HD....'

Salam Jumaat

Hye dear, Salam Jumaat ~! :)

Sorry lama tak update blog, tuan tanah tak berapa sihat. Maybe kepenatan sebab packing almost 200 parcels in two days. Alhamdulillah, selamat sudah dipos kepada semua :)

Nahhhh, testimoni bergambar lagiiiii , hehehe ;P

Now, I really can smile with joy. Alhamdulillah :)